108 is a digital interactive novel that aims to explore various ways of storytelling in a digital space.
108 Web Novel is a project I work on with Writer Jaric Sarmiento. I work as the project lead, visual designer, and web developer. I work with Jaric to bring his stories to life with visuals, web interactions, video, 3D models, and games. I created nearly all of the images, logos, icons, videos, web pages, mock ups, and posters. I organize our schedule and tasks, as well as organize communications with other artists we collaborate with.
Logo System
It was challenging bringing the complexity of 108 into a single logo. 108 takes place in a universe that is deteriorating and folding in on itself. Each logo is meant to stem from a different visual communication style, to envoke the entire world of 108.
I designed the logo to be the story itself. There are 108 logos in the system. Each time the web novel is loaded, a new logo is loaded into the nav bar. On the title screen, all 108 logos are broken up into their three numbers and randomly combined to make a complete 108 logo.
Forum and Character Profile Pics
One of the pages where you see the most characters interacting is the online forum Seeing Stars. This is a forum dedicated to understanding all of the weird things going on in the universe.

Each profile is important to understanding how each character expresses themselves.
108 Sites and Brands
Many of the pages in 108 mimic web pages we use in our everyday lives. Whether that is social media, forums, or junk how-to guides.
Interactive Pages
Interactive web pages are crucial to the experimentation of 108. Hover effects, clicking to reveal info, scanning QR codes, and finding secrets is where the fun of 108 resides.
Unique Experiences
The interactive elements and randomly coded events give each reader a unique experience no one else read.